Thursday 6 April 2023 – Easter Edition
The Club has a busy weekend of patrols with the Easter public holidays. With many members away, please come down and volunteer a few hours with your mates. A reminder that our last patrol of the season in Anzac Day. 
Good Friday 7th April 2023
Patrol 15 – Tim Ettle & Robin Barham
Patrol 14 – Clause Busse
Saturday 8th April 2023
Patrol 13 – Victoria O’Halloran & Peter Ingle
Patrol 12 – Leoni Graham
Sunday 9th April 2023
Patrol 4 – James Keene & Michael Studden
Patrol 5 – Paul Bailey
Easter Monday 10th April 2023
Patrol 2 – Andrew Thomas & Jules Clarkson
Patrol 3 – Kirsty Dollinson
As the season is coming to a close, it is a good time to review your patrol hours to ensure that you have enough hours to obtain an A Rating and receive a year of service towards the Long Service Award. To receive an A grading you need at least 30 patrol hours including a max of 10 water safety hours with 20 hours completed with your home patrol.
After 10 years of service, you can apply to the Secretary@manlylsc.com to become a Long Service member and are no longer required to complete patrol hours in order to be eligible for competition. All patrol captains have been sent a list of patrol members and the hours completed this season. So check in with your patrol captain to see how many hours you need to get a year of service. 
If your Patrol Grading is sitting at a C Level you will receive an email this week from the Club Captain encouraging you to increase your hours.  Please respond to this email. 
The newsletter is a great way to recognise outstanding service on patrol and across any part of the Club. Please send a paragraph or two to admin@manlylsc.com for inclusion in the newsletter. 
The ‘Aussies’ were held from Sunday 25 March – Sunday 2 April in Perth at Scarborough and Trigg Island surf lifesaving clubs. Full results can be found at www.liveheats.com.au. A few of the Manly LSC highlights are summarised below. 
Manly LSC had Youth, Masters and Open teams competing. The Open’s points score was dominated by Northcliffe and Newport coming 1st and 2nd respectively. Manly LSC finished 26th overall, with Manly Master’s finishing a valiant 9th. The lake-like conditions favoured the pool swimmers and kayakers.   
Hayden Cotter, had an exemplary carnival with 4 bronze medals in the Open Male Surf Swim, Open Belt Race, Open Male Rescue Tube Rescue (Kyan Winn, Chris Allum and Jono Stock) and the Open Mens’ Taplin relay. 
The Open Mens’ Taplin relay (made up of Hayden Cotter, Kendrick Louis, Stewart McLachlan, Harry Stone, Ethan Neville and Ollie Signorini) was a thriller – with all of Team Manly cheering and willing the team into their bronze medal. 
Medals eluded our Open Females, but Georgia Singleton, Ella Garrett, Alicia Fay, Tilla Garrett, Charlie Ward, Charli Morgan, Tia Emmott-Bennett and Charli Munro all performed solidly in finals with very strong fields. 
Our youngest competitors demonstrated that Manly LSC has a bright future with Tia Emmott-Bennett, Phoebe Lechner, Elisha Cuthbert and Camille Hirose competing strongly. Finn McMurty, Keaten Ronge-Smith, Harry Underhill and Carter Harrison.
Our Masters had a sensational carnival with 24 podium finishes. Julia Bell was the golden girl of the Aussies Masters carnival with a whopping 8 medals (5 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze). The men’s standout was Stewart McLachlan with 2 Gold and 1 Bronze. Melanie Brock also had an amazing carnival along with medallists Rob Bell, Michael Kember, Mel Pelly, Peter Ingle, Chris Morgan, Grant Ellison, Jono Stock, Anthony Vicelli, Camille De Carmejane and Victoria O’Halloran. 
Mel Thomas’ 4th place in Masters Champion Lifesaver as a NSW representative was wonderful recognition of her lifesaving skills. 
Some former Manly LSC members and Nippers also achieved incredible results, including Conner Maggs and Naomi Scott. Naomi Scott, now competing for Northcliffe, won the Open Female Iron woman and graciously thanked Manly LSC in her victory speech.  
Manly LSC could not have participated at the Australian Titles without our Officials and Water Safety experts volunteering their time and expertise. An extra special thank you goes to Fran Brenchley, Col Brenchley, Alan Tier, Melanie Thomas, Vicki Cuthbert and Tim Cuthbert. 
Our coaches also showed great commitment in spending so much time in Perth – thanks again to Rachel Kember, Graham Bruce, Chris Allum, Lachie Bruce & Jono Stock. 
Finally, to our competition manager, Glenn Stone who ever so quietly – just makes everything happen! We would be lost without you. 
Next year the Aussies will return to Queensland. 
As most of you will know, the re-build of our surf club pavilion gained a lot of interest during the recent State election campaign. 
If elected, the NSW Liberal Government had committed to providing an additional $4M in funding. Before the election, the Club sought matched funding of $4M from the Labor party. No commitment was given to the Club by Labor.
This means that further state government funding remains unlikely.
The architects are preparing plans based upon the $11M funding that the Northern Beaches Council has secured. As soon as early concept plans are drafted a meeting will take place with Club members, Northern Beaches Council and the architects. Stay tuned for a date.  
Whilst at Aussies in Perth, your Board members visited several newly constructed surf clubs at Scarborough, Floreat and City of Perth for design inspiration.  
Location: Manly Life Saving Club
Date & Time: 9:00am 25 April 2023
This year’s guest speaker will be Lieutenant Colonel Jacqueline Costello. Jacquie has dedicated her career to best practice, innovation, and leadership in military psychology; she is passionate about ensuring that those who serve on the frontline, in barracks and deployed on operations, are supported to do so with purpose and dignity. Jacquie has commanded the Army’s 1st Psychology Unit, and currently leads the Human Performance Optimisation team at Headquarters Forces Command, Sydney.
Prior to the formal service, the Club will be lighting lanterns at sunrise in memory of the members of Manly LSC and Manly Surf Club who lost their lives serving their countries in WWI and WW2. Please join us for this ‘new’ tradition that started during Covid, when we were not permitted to host a full service. 
The Club presentation night will be on Friday, 26 May 2023 at the Club from 6pm. The night will celebrate the achievements across all facets of our Club, but in particular our patrolling members and those who have recently qualified for their Bronze or other award.
The Bar will be open with two free drinks per member, food and entertainment.  
Come along to meet new members and celebrate our 113th season!
On 4 April 2023 the Club Captain and our dedicated Patrol Captains met to evaluate the past season of patrols and consider new initiatives for the 2023/2024 season. As one of the busiest beaches in NSW, our Manly LSC Patrol Captains do an incredibly job in leading our patrols and keeping our beaches safe. It is important that when Patrol Captains contact patrol members, you respond to their message as this helps them to manage patrol attendance and qualifications coverage.
Bilgola surf lifesaving club are holding an intensive SRC and Bronze medallion course from Monday 17 – Thursday 20 April 2023.  This is a great opportunity for anyone with a good level of fitness to complete their Bronze in just 4 days. Register here: https://form.jotform.com/230036443613850ct=t(ad.doubleclick.net/ddm/trackclk/N6873_COPY_01
Ray Petersen, the Club’s Historian (Manly LSC Life Member and SNB Life Member) recently prepared a short history of Manly LSC for inclusion in a Branch publication. It certainly makes interesting reading.  
Manly Life Saving Club
Founder – William A. Kellam.
HOW CLUB WAS FORMED: On 22nd September 1911, Manly Life Saving Club was formed at a public Meeting at Manly School of Arts, following an ultimatum by Manly Surf Club to Manly Borough Council, that it would take no further part in lifesaving on Manly Beach. The Vice-Captain and Chief-Instructor of Manly Surf Club William A. Kellam, Immediately convened a meeting to form a new Lifesaving Club.
FORMATION DATE: Friday 22nd September 1911.
FIRST CLUB PRESIDENT: James Bonner Mayor of Manly, Friday 22nd September 1911.
FIRST CLUB CAPTAIN: Fredric Henry Schwartz, Friday 22nd September 1911.
COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE: Friday 22nd September 1911.
PATROLS COMMENCED: 2pm Saturday 23rd September 1911.
AFFILATION S.B.A. of NSW: Saturday 30th September 1911.
FIRST CLUBHOUSE: Club occupied existing shed, Saturday 23rd September 1911. First Erected 1891.
FIRST MALE BRONZE SQUAD S.B.A. of NSW: Sunday 25th February 1912.
FIRST SURF CARNIVAL: Saturday 6th January 1912.
SECOND CLUBHOUSE BUILT: 20th December 1913.
AMALGAMATION: Seagull Club with Manly Life Saving Club 17th March 1914.
JUNIOR CLUB FORMATION: 9.30am. Sunday 10th October 1965 – Ian Craig – Founder.
FIRST FEMALE BRONZE SQUAD: Sunday 21st November 1980.
FIRST FEMALE PATROL CAPTAN: Helen Dudding (New Zealand born) – Appointed Saturday 4th October 1980.
FIRST FEMALE CHIEF INSTRUCTOR: Ruth Kelly – Sunday 18th August 2001.
FIRST FEMALE CLUB CAPTAIN: Ruth Kelly – Sunday 31st August 2003.
FIRST FEMAL CLUB PRESIDENT: Victoria Sweetman O’Halloran – Sunday 24th July 2022.
CLUB HISTORY BOOK: 28th January 1961 Heroes of the Surf – Reginald Sydney Harris.
Rodney Hillas Cresswell – Saturday 13th October 1951 – Club Duty.
John Pembroke Tuohy – Saturday 18th March 1969 – Belt Rescue.
Richard Henry Seeney – Sunday 26th October 1980 – Proficiency.
David Michael Fleming – Thursday 19th August 1982 – Club Duty.
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