Get Involved

Nippers is run by parents. Many hands make light work so please contact your Age Manager or a member of the Junior Activities Committee to express your interest in assisting in one of the numerous roles essential for the on-going operation of the junior program.

We need volunteers for the following:

  • BBQ Duty on Sunday mornings (obligatory twice a season)
  • Setting up the beach at 7.45am each Sunday and putting equipment away
  • Water Safety (must hold Bronze Medallion)
  • Setting up and pulling down equipment at Carnivals
  • Carnival Officials
  • BBQ Coordinator
  • Age Managers
  • Assistant Age Managers
  • Committee Members
  • Ripper Nipper Co-ordinator
  • Helping out at training Camps
  • Equipment management


The popular Manly Nippers BBQ is our primary source of community fund raising. Each Age group is required to complete their duties on the BBQ approximately twice per season. Please check the roster contained within the season calendar.  The BBQ teams are always happy for extra hands so please check if help is needed particularly at busy times.  Funds raised from the BBQ directly benefit your child. BBQ set up starts at 7.30am and finishes at approximately 12pm.  Duties are divided into 2 shifts so if you are required on the beach during Nippers you can always help with the later shift.

  • 1st shift meets at the front of the club at 7.30am. Duties include BBQ set up/food prep/ice drinks/cooking
  • 2nd shift meets at the BBQ at 9.30 – we encourage crossover as this is the busiest time. Duties include cooking, pack down, wash up, clean up and rubbish removal.

Training Camps

Training camps are run during the Spring and Summer school holidays.  These are run entirely by parents supporting our Coaches.  There are many opportunities to volunteer regardless of skills and you will be asked to sign up to volunteer when you register for camp.

Beach set up

The beach is set up every Sunday morning before Nippers with sprint tracks, flag areas, water areas and a dedicated U6/U7 activity area. This is the perfect opportunity to help out if you are an early riser!  Please ask your Age Manager or contact our Superintendent who sets up for the beach for further details.

Water Safety

Water Safety is an essential volunteer role ensuring our Nipper’s safety.  You can spot Water Safety by their orange shirts and caps.  The Club must meet the water safety requirements listed by SLSA in order to conduct water activities beyond waist deep water.  Many parents complete their Bronze and in doing so enjoy the learning experience and getting a greater understanding of surf lifesaving. It’s also a great way to spend time with your child in an activity you can both enjoy together. If we don’t have the required number of Water Safety officers then a water activity cannot be conducted.


  • Current Bronze Medallion
    • Training course which combines theory and practical, covering knowledge of basic patrolling and surf awareness.
    • Generally held over a few weeks, including weeknights and weekends
    • Courses are advertised throughout the year
    • Enables you to patrol Manly Beach as a Volunteer Surf Lifesaver
  • Manly LSC full membership for insurance purposes
  • Water safety uniform – provided as required
  • Bronze Medallion holders must pass an annual proficiency.

For further information you can talk to your Age Manger or express your interest at the following link.  There are no set hours for water safety. 

You can help at:

  • Sunday Nippers;
  • Ocean training sessions;
  • Spring & Summer Training Camps; and
  • Carnivals (you can specify the water area you would like to help in so that you can watch your child).

All Water Safety must sign into the Water Safety Log Book at the back of the club.

Carnival Officials

At Carnivals each club is required to provide a minimum number of Carnival Officials who run the activities.  You can specify the area you would like to officiate in so this is a chance to get a ringside seat to the action!


  • Complete an online accreditation course through the SLSA Members Portal.
  • Complete a practical assessment at a Carnival.

Details of courses will be made available on the Club website, Facebook or  you can talk to your Age Manager.

Age Managers and Assistants

Each Age Group needs a volunteer Age Manager and Assistants.  This team of volunteers leads the age group each week by running activities, educating and coaching the Nippers.  The Assistants help run Ripper Nippers if not involved at Carnivals. Age Managers are appointed at the beginning of each season. No previous experience is required to be an Assistant so please talk to your Age Manager about getting involved.


Nippers is run by a committee of volunteers.  Parents leave the Club as their children finish Nippers so we are always in need of fresh ideas, new office bearers and volunteers. Find our current office bearers and the roles available Here

Ripper Nippers

During the season, on competition days, the U9 to U14s who choose to compete are absent from Nippers together with their Age Managers.  In the absence of the Age Managers we need parents and carers of non-competing Nippers to step up and run the Sunday Program which is called Ripper Nippers.

Contact Us

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