While we all await news from the Premier regarding the timing of any easing of restrictions, we are hoping and pushing ahead for the patrol season to open in some form later in September or early October.

We had to postpone our AGM scheduled for late July and the 110 years anniversary scheduled in September but have rescheduled the AGM to 10am August 29 via Zoom and the anniversary ball to December 4 (over 200 tickets already sold).

To join the AGM at 10am 29th August please use this link:  
Meeting Code: 844 1947 7628

Please see below the Notice of Annual General Meeting for instructions on how to vote and the  Agenda. Please note to vote you must be financial for 2021/22.

Also please see below for links to:

  • Minutes for the 109th Annual General Meeting
  • 2021/22 season fees.
  • Link to pay basic membership fees through SLSA website.
  • Link to pay extras if required, such as storage fees, competition fees, locker fees using Manly LSC website.
  • Annual Report for 2020/21.
  • Link to register for our 110 years anniversary ball at Novotel.
  • Director of Member Services & Youth- Key Responsibilities.

If you have any questions regarding the AGM, payment of fees or passwords to SLSA portal please email or phone the club and leave a message 99772742. Note the club is currently closed but the phone messages are cleared on Mondays and Wednesdays.

At this year’s AGM there will be a special resolution to add a new Director position role to the board being the Director of Member Services & Youth. This position is much needed for helping the experience for all of our members including member recognition, inclusion, satisfaction and development.

If the special resolution for a Director of Member Services & Youth is passed we will be seeking nominations from the floor at the AGM to be considered and approved at the first board meeting held in September. To be eligible you must have been a patrolling member for a minimum of 5 years, be in good standing and financial for 2021/22. Please see Key Responsibilities below.

Membership Fees 2021/22

Membership fees are our largest source of revenue and with the Club’s hall and bar closed, functions cancelled and no merchandising sales, the Club depends largely on membership fees to ensure we can pay our ongoing commitments and not erase the savings that guarantee our future building plans.

Please support the club by paying your membership fees as they are due and payable by 30th September 2021. To vote at the AGM you must be financial.

The Board appreciates that some members could be facing financial uncertainty and as always can apply to the club for fee relief on the grounds of financial hardship. All applications will be treated confidentially- Email to The President at

Chris Bell


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