Vale- Max Riddington

Vale Max RIDDINGTON,  1932 – 2022.

Sadly, Manly Life Saving Club’s great champion Max Riddington, passed away on the 11 September 2022 surrounded by his close family including children Brett, Craig, Scott, Deb and Sue.

Max obtained his Bronze Medallion No. 26462 on the 13 December 1949 and went on to become a Long Service patrolling member. He was later elected by Many Life Saving Club members to Life Membership in recognition of his extraordinary and exceptional services to the club over many years.

Max was a committed club member and served countless years on the committee of Manly Life Saving Club in senior administrative positions including

Vice President
Club Captain
Life Member
Life Member on Committee
Judiciary Committee
Honours Committee

Max mentored many club members from juniors through to senior administrators and competitors…. he was always available to assist! Max also had a keen interest in the Nipper program when it was introduced and assisted where possible.

Max had few peers as a water competitor, winning numerous Australian and New South Wales titles in Surf and Surf teams events at Senior and Junior level. He was a master craftsman in catching waves of all size from dumping waves to ripples. He won the surf race club championship at Manly for 8 years in a row from 1949…. the first three years he was still a junior! No mean feat considering the many other champions the club had at that time where the standard of the club championships was on par with the major open carnivals.

He was also a member of many successful R & R teams, this event was the blue-ribbon event of the carnival before the advent of the iron man event two decades later!

Max represented New South Wales on various occasions in Surf lifesaving, where New South Wales won the interstate competition, and in swimming.

His championship resume, noting the three major Carnivals in those days were the Australian Championship, New South Wales Championship, and the Metropolitan Surf Championships, is as follows

1948/49 Australian Junior Surf Teams Race Championship with Alex Parlett, Ron Brooker, Rodger Clissold

1949/50 Australian Junior Surf Race Champion

1949/50 New South Wales Junior Surf Race Champion

1951/52 Australian Surf Race Champion

1951/52 Australian Surf Teams Race Championship with Robert Barry, John Forrest, Alex Parlett.

1951/52 New South Wales Surf Race Teams Championship.

1951/52 Metropolitan Surf Race Teams Championship

1952/53 Australian Surf Race Champion

1952/53 New South Wales Surf Race Champion

1952/53 Metropolitan Surf Race Champion

1953/54 Australian Surf Teams Race Championship with Robert Barry, Barry Taylor, John Forrest.

1953/54 New South Wales Surf Race Teams Championship

1953/54 Metropolitan Surf Race Teams Championship

1955/56 New South Wales Surf Race Champion

1955/56 Metropolitan R & R Championship with John Ashley, Alex Parlett, Malcolm Bell, Errol Abbott, Barry Taylor.

1957/58 Metropolitan R & R Championship with John Ashley, Malcolm Bell, Barry Taylor, John Martin, Colin McFarlane

1958/59 Australian Surf Race Teams Championship with Robert Barry, Rex Beachley, Colin McFarlane

1958/59 New South Surf Race Teams Championship Robert Barry, Murray Garretty, Colin McFarlane

1959/60 Australian Surf Race Teams Championship with John Kissane, Colin McFARLANE, Rex Beachley

1959/60 New South Wales Surf Race Teams Championship

1959/60 Metropolitan Championships Surf Teams Race with Rex Beachley, Colin McFarlane, Peter Raynor

Always a gentleman

Rest in Peace Max.

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