Positive Feedback from the Public

11th January 2022

Hello, I didn’t get the name of the very kind gentleman who gave me a lift back to shore on his surf ski at about 7:15-7:30am this morning. His surf ski had a Manly Life Saving Club sticker and so I assume he might be a member? He is about 5\’10\”, very closely shaved hair and he appears to be in his 30\’s or so. I was in shock about being stuck in the rip and not being able to get back to shore on my own so I didn\’t get much details from him. I am extremely grateful to him for his help and at the same time terribly embarrassed to be in a situation where I couldn\’t get out of the rip, or back to shore on my own. I have been swimming in the ocean for many years, have swum in more challenging conditions, and have successfully swam with and gotten myself out of a rip many times .. but the mind played terrible tricks on me this morning and this is the first time where I required assistance. I cannot express how thankful I was that there was a group of surf skiers who were returning to Manly and for this one particular gentleman to go out of his way to kindly help me. I wasn\’t sure if he was racing/competing but I wanted to not only say a massive thank you but also to apologise for any inconvenience I might have caused him this morning. Thank you so much again. All of you at Manly Life Saving Club truly rock and are amazing people who are genuinely life savers.



16th January 2022

I have a teenage son, he turned 17 three days ago and has obtained his drivers license, so he now has freedom to experience life. My son is extremely fit, he does have common sense but at the same time he is a teenager more than likely thinking he is invincible. He went to your beach today with a few of his mates, I advised him not to go due to media reports regarding the east coast beaches. He still went. He just came home and told me that he had to be rescued today from one of your lifesavers. He said a rip took him out past the boy, he said he was a very long distance from shore, he was trying to swim back but couldn’t because of the rip so he said he just laid on his back and was floating and paddling.  He said he heard on the loud speaker for him to swim back to shore but he couldn’t because he was stuck in the rip. Anyway so apparently one of your life savers rescued him…… I’m writing this to say THANKYOU!! I’m so grateful that he came home and was able to tell me about his day…… he may have tackled it on his own and got him self back to shore safely but then again he may not have…… thank you to the life guard, thank you to the team and the club……. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I’m so grateful!! ❤️❤️

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