Dear Members,

Please find attached the grading that have been determined for the 2017/18 season.

If you would like to query your grading this must be done so prior to the 12th June. Please send to

Roving Patrol

Placements on Roving Patrol are limited and are only available to a maximum of 30 members.  In order to qualify, your work/family/sports schedule is such that you can not predict your availability.  Due to limited places, those wanting to be on Roving Patrol MUST apply prior to every season. There is an expectation that when Patrol numbers are low, Roving members will be contacted first to fill gaps.

To receive an A grading, Roving members must complete a minimum of 20 hrs on ANY patrol and 10 hours of water safety.

Patrol Season Hours 230917-290418 graded (3) revised 30th May

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We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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