Notice of Annual General Meeting



Victoria Sweetman O’Halloran – Hon. Secretary 18 June 2021

Notice is hereby given that the 111th Annual General Meeting of the Manly Life Saving Club Inc. will be held on Sunday 24 July 2021 commencing at 10:30am.  The meeting will be held in the Hall at Manly Surf Pavilion.

Video Stream:

Members will be able to observe the AGM via a video link.

Video link details: Zoom: httpps:// Meeting Code 728 795 0673


  1. Confirmation of Minutes of the 110th Annual General Meeting.
  2. Adoption of the 111th Annual Report and Financial Statements.
  3. Nomination of Life Members of the Manly Life Saving Club.

Having satisfied the provisions of Clause 22 of the MLSC Constitution the following four (4) members: CHRISTOPHER BELL, MARK EPPER, DANIEL MULCAHY and CAMERON COGHLAN are nominated by the Board for Life Membership of MLSC. To be carried the nomination requires an 80% majority of the votes cast by those members present and entitled to vote. The Constitution requires a secret ballot.

  1. Special Resolution – NIL
  2. Election of Directors of the Club for the 2022-2023 season[1]
  3. Endorsement of Junior Activities Management Committee (See Club Constitution clause 20.1 (b) see below)
  4. Election of Officers of the Club for the 2022-2023 season[2].
  5. Resolutions:
    1. Affiliation: That affiliation be sought for the 2022-23 season with Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches Incorporated.  Further, that the articles, constitution, by-laws, regulations and resolutions, together with the awards and equipment of Surf Life Saving NSW and Surf Life Saving Australia be accepted.
    2. Charitable Purposes of the Club: That the Club endorse and confirm the charitable purposes of the Club as set out in the Club Constitution at clause 3.
  6. Consideration of proposed changes – NIL to the Constitution, if any.
  7. General Business as may arise.
  8. Presentation of SLSA Long Service Awards
  9. Close meeting.


[1] Nomination Forms are available from the Hon. Secretary at: and returned no later than 5pm 17 July 2022.

[2] Nomination Forms are available from the Hon. Secretary at: must be completed and returned no later than 5pm on 17 July 202

Nomination for Office 2022 2023

Minutes from the 110th Annual General Meeting of Manly LSC


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