Manly Life Saving Club is committed to the protection, welfare and well-being of all its members and is dedicated to providing a safe, fun and enjoyable environment as outlined in the SLSA Member Protection Policy. We take an inclusive approach, ensuring all of our members are treated with respect and dignity and are protected from discrimination, harassment and abuse regardless of gender, age, ability or nationality.
Members are encouraged to voice concerns that they may have at any point regarding the safety, health, welfare, behaviour or conduct of Members and associated persons or organisations as outlined in the complaints resolution policy
A full list of policies relevant to member protection can be found on Surf Life saving NSW web site here
Our Members are covered by Workers Compensation – SLSNSW for patrolling, club activities and competition.
To learn more about member welfare or to to talk about any aspect of the member protection policy please contact any member of our member services team, details below.
Surf Life Saving’s Codes of Conduct represent the minimum standards of member behaviour and must be complied with at all times. There are two Codes of Conduct, both of which can be found in the SLSA Member Protection Policy.
- The General Code of Conduct: includes expectations relating to respect; ethics; professionalism; complying with SLSA rules, policies and procedures; reporting breaches of the Safeguarding Program; and being a positive role model.
- The Code of Conduct for People in Positions of Authority when Dealing with Children or Young People: includes expectations relating to positive guidance; overnight stays; language; adhering to role boundaries; transporting children; use of electronic communication; use of changing rooms; use of photography; physical contact; gift giving; wearing of uniforms; and use of alcohol or drugs.
Manly Life Saving Club is committed to providing a safe, supportive, enjoyable environment for children. Our Board endorses the child safe policy and this policy is given effect via the SLSA Safeguarding Children and Young People Program
The program recognises the importance of protecting young people under the age of 18 from abuse, harm and exploitation. It is everyone’s responsibility to treat all children and young members respectfully, and within the child protection laws of Australia (free from any form of abuse).
Resources, webinars and online training courses are available to every club member to establish clear guidelines for appropriate behaviour when engaging with children and young people. To learn more about how you can protect our children and young members read the Safeguarding Children Handbook. If you have any concerns please contact our club’s Child Protection Officer (CPO) Amanda Harrison
All members who work with children and young people are required to complete the Surf Life Saving’s Safeguarding Children and Young People Awareness Course. To ensure you are recognised for completing the course, please login to the Members Portal first. Access to the course can be found in Memberships > Courses > Login to ELearning > Training Library > SLS > Safety and Well-being (View Courses) > Safeguarding Children and Young People Awareness.
Play by the Rules also offers a free Child Protection online course that provides a certificate of completion. Manly LSC encourages all members to complete this course.
Manly LSC has a strong interest in keeping children safe. As a club, we comply with the Child Protection legislation where all members in child-related roles are required to have a WWCC. For more information please read the Child Protection and the NSW Working With Children Check guidelines.
To apply for a WWCC please follow the process below and email your approved number to our club’s CPO, Amanda Harrison
All Manly members have a responsibility to speak up if they become aware of, or observe something considered inappropriate. Please contact our club’s CPO, Amanda Harrison (insert email for Amanda) or follow the guidelines below.
All reports submitted will be treated in confidence and with the utmost respect for all those involved.
Russell Harrison
Director Member Services
Mobile: 0459 866988

Simone Hill|
Member Protection Information Officer
Amanda Harrison
Child Protection Officer
Mobile: 0414 443870