Manly Life Saving Club (MLSC) is committed to achieving and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace, free from the hazards and risks associated with substance misuse and/or abuse.
Manly LSC has a Zero Tolerance approach to the use of illicit drugs.
Our club aims to protect the interests of members and the wider community by preventing the use of illicit drugs.
The main objectives of our illicit Drugs Policy are as follows:
- Protecting the health and wellbeing of members;
- Providing an avenue for education and rehabilitation for members who have an issue with illicit drugs;
- Providing an effective deterrent to illicit drug use;
- Providing a positive example for children and youth in our club and
- Protecting the image of Manly LSC which affects our club, sponsors and other stakeholders.
If you feel that you have a problem or know someone
who may have a problem with illicit drugs, the first step to
getting help is to start talking to someone you trust.
More information on seeking help can be found here
or the National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline
can be contacted on 1800 250 015.
who may have a problem with illicit drugs, the first step to
getting help is to start talking to someone you trust.
More information on seeking help can be found here
or the National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline
can be contacted on 1800 250 015.
This policy applies to all members of MLSC. Any MLSC member found to be using illicit drugs during a club or SLS event or activity may have their club membership terminated in accordance with MLSC Disciplinary Powers (Clause 24 ). For this purpose, illicit drugs includes (but may not be limited to)
- Cannabis
- Amphetamines
- Ecstasy
- Cocaine
- Opiates
These drugs are dangerous and the use of them presents a serious risk to health. They are not subject to any quality controls, meaning that any person using illegal drugs will not know how strong the illicit drug is or what other substances may be contained within it.
The Department of Health has a number of useful resources about the dangers of illicit drugs and the impact that they can have on individuals and the community. Further information on the dangers of illicit drug use can be found at Healthdirect Australia.
As well as being dangerous to health, illicit drugs are also illegal. There are federal and state laws that carry serious penalties. Anyone found to be using or dealing in illicit drugs at a club event or activity will be reported to the police.
Anti Doping Policy
Manly LSC supports SLSA policy 5.02 on Anti Doping which adopts the Australian National Anti Doping policy. This policy conforms to the World Anti-Doping Code. The World Anti-Doping Code prohibits certain substances ‘in competition’ including illicit drugs.
SLSA Member Protection Policy – Code of Conduct
The SLS policy explicitly states that members must not use illicit drugs whilst engaged in SLS activities or supervising children or youth.
All club members are encouraged to report illicit drug use to the Director Members Services or a member of the Board. The identity of any person making a report will be kept confidential. Confidentiality in relation to the misuse or abuse of drugs is fundamental to protecting the privacy of individuals and in encouraging club members acceptance of prevention and treatment measures. Maintaining confidentiality is the responsibility of all club members and management. Any person who reports illicit drug use will be supported by the Board to ensure that they are not subject to any harassment, bullying or intimidation.
Positive Choices
More information on drugs and the law can be found at Positive Choices. The web site contains easy to understand information on the different types of drugs, how to seek to protect yourself in social situations, and how to speak to a friend about their drug use.
[i] https://goodsports.com.au/drugs/illegal-drugs-management/
[ii] https://www.surflifesaving.com.au/members/policies/slsa-policy-6-05-member-protection/
Manly LSC Illicit Drugs Policy V2 – PDF Version