Building Committee Update 
Throughout late October and all of November, NBC have been actively seeking feedback on the Concept designs from both members and the Community. Four concept plan options have been costed, two based on a refurbishment and two for a rebuild.  The most cost effective, flexible, and future proofed design has led to a rebuild option.
Over the next couple of months our architect will consider all the relevant member and community feedback, and after seeking our input produce  a draft design for a rebuild option including the location of storage, shop, café, office etc.
Once approved by Council executive, a DA will be lodged by the end of April 2024 at the latest.
The projected construction cost for the development is higher than existing funds.  However, based on available budget this may be fulfilled in 3 stages (note that once DA is approved there is no time limit on completion of the build).  This could potentially be split across:
  1. Ground level and first floor function room and deck
  2. Training room and gym.
  3. Level 3. Members & Lifeguard viewing area.
  • DA lodgement – April 2024
  • Start –  April/May 2025
  • Complete – Mid 2026
For updates on the Rebuild check:
Please direct any questions or recommendations to Chris Bell
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