Date Event
2018 – mid 2022 Manly LSC engagement with Northern Beach Council (NBC).

Fundraising taking place – $5M Cth govt. $5M NBC

Community Engagement – Stage 1

August 22 Engage Design Consultants – Terroir Architects appointed by Northern Beaches Council
December 22 – February 23 Community Engagement – Stage 2
10 December 22 Community engagement stall at Manly LSC

NSW State govt commits $1M funding – taking funding pool to $11M.

February 23 Proposed planning meeting with Manly LSC membership, NBC and Terroir Architects
May 23 Concept plans revealed by Terroir Architects
June – Sept 23 Community Engagement – Stage 3 by reference to concept plans
Nov – Dec 23 Finalisation of Concept Design
Early 24 Development Application Lodgement with NBC – on exhibition for further community engagement
Mid 24 Detailed Design and Construction Certificate
Mid 24 Funding confirmed
Late 24 Construction
2025 Surf Club and public amenities available for community use


  • April 2024 DA lodgement
  • April/May 2025 Start Construction
  • Mid 2026 Complete
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