Manly LSC News October 2018

Well, the 2018/19 lifesaving season is off to a good start! Our lifesavers have been presented with some early season challenges due to large seas and not-quite-summer weather. We have recorded strong turn-outs and patrols have been bolstered with new fresh-faced SRC’s and newly qualified Bronze Medallion holders.
If you haven’t paid your annual membership fee yet, please arrange to do this online at Manly LSC website or through the office, as soon as you can. If you are a competitor, please remember to pay your $100 competition fee plus storage fee for your board or ski. If you haven’t paid yet, you may notice that your personal code for the change rooms doesn’t work! The codes from last year no longer work unless they have been refreshed after payment. No payment – no access – no hot shower!

You will remember in last month’s newsletter, I explained that the Building Committee are currently in discussion with the local council regarding proposals for the future redevelopment of our clubhouse.
This evening, at a meeting with Northern Beaches Council, a vote went in favour of supporting a knock down and rebuild of the Manly Life Saving Club.  This is significant news for the future development of our club. I understand that the vote went unanimously in favour of this rebuild option.
Finally, plans can be made to develop state of the art facilities for our members and community.

Specifically, the Council voted on the following:

  • Council endorse the strategy to proceed with the design of a new Life Saving Club & Community Building at Manly.
  • Council will establish a community working group to work collaboratively with Council and the Club.
  • Council will propose a suitable budget via the 2019/20 budget process to progress the project, including undertaking a two stage tender process to engage a design consultant as detailed in the report.
  • Council will communicate with all relevant Ministers informing them of the upcoming project, in an effort to source appropriate funding.

This is ground-breaking news for our iconic club and I know that exciting times lie ahead. This project was started a number of years ago by members keen to upgrade our club to cope with growing memberships, and initial building extension plans were submitted for DA approval. Over recent years, the project has expanded and evolved to arrive at the current proposal. Many passionate club and life members have contributed to the development plans and pushed and lobbied for this outcome. A huge thank you to all involved, particularly the current Building Committee and Finance team who have been instrumental in pulling plans together and communicating with the key Council decision makers. I am confident that is the start of a new era for Manly Life Saving Club. Now the real hard work starts!!

The Manly LSC Golf Day is fast approaching (Friday 7th December at Warringah Golf Club). The flyer is attached to this email and more details can be found on the MLSC website and Facebook page. The event is filling up fast so get your teams together and enter via the payment link online. All food and drink is included in the entry fee.
We are also looking for supporters to help supply auction items and raffle prizes. If you have a local business, it’s a great way to get exposure for your company brand and support this fundraising day. Please have a think about any goods or services that you could donate to make the day a success.

After the manual work over winter, the refurbishment of the members gym upstairs is complete. We still have a couple of finishing touches to add but there has been significant progress with this project and it is now operational and a great space for our members. I would like to say a huge thank you to the army of volunteers that have offered their time and services to complete this work. A special thanks to Brucie who gave countless personal hours to coordinate the volunteers and even done some of the heavy lifting himself (hopefully the doctor approved Brucie?!)
The gym hours are 5am – 8pm. Please help us keep the club secure and if you are the last person in there, please lock the sliding doors and close side door when leaving.

Chris Bell

Congratulations to Catherine Judd for reaching 10 years Long Service! Even though you don’t have to Patrol, I can speak for Bran and the team of Patrol 12 they will miss you.
Membership is now past due and for those that have not paid, your codes have been deactivated.  If you can’t remember your log in details (you need this to log in to the website to renew), please contact, Kelly or Virginia can help.
Please do not give out your code! There has been serious theft from the changerooms and we are currently looking at CCTV footage that will assist Police.  As part of that investigation, we are marrying the frequency of door use to door codes.
If your code is being used by someone other than yourself, it will be deactivated immediately.  You will receive an email to contact administration for a new 6 digit code.  If there is multiple use of your code, your membership maybe suspended.
Please remember that Manly LSC rules state that Hi Viz pink be warn at all training sessions. Club equipment is not to be used on the Bower or Bombora unless it is an emergency.
Below is an exert of communications between Patrol 11 Vice Captain and his squad.  It reveals what commonly occurs on Patrol and the need to keep vigilant.
“I wish to acknowledge the efforts of everyone who was able to attend our first patrol last
Sunday afternoon. Surf conditions were very rough, and deteriorated throughout Sunday
afternoon, to the extent that the beach was closed on Monday. The efforts of our IRB team, Pete, Andy and Meg, were invaluable in the conditions. Board rescues would not have been possible. Midway through the patrol, Mark Hughes identified a swimmer struggling off The Point, one of the local kids who regularly jump in. Mark immediately radioed Pete and Andy in the IRB, and they very skilfully picked up the young girl amidst the breaking waves on the rocks. It was a great team effort, and Pete, Andy and Mark are to be commended”- Jason Barber Patrol 11 Vice Captain.
IRB Crew Course (that’s Scott with the red cap on & shades on!)
Our first Patrol member of the month is Scott Freeman of Patrol 6! An IRB driver and instructor, Scott has been down the beach every weekend for the past 12 weeks putting through a crew and driver’s course.  What did he do last Sunday afternoon? He patrolled!  Well done Scott you deserve your $100 dinner voucher from the Hotel Steyne.  The only question is, who will you take with you???
As always, if you’re not sure about any aspects of Patrolling, or MLSC in general, please send me an email:

Bec Crawford
Club Captain
With the season up and running if you have any ideas for our members to take a break and have some fun please contact Rhani at Keen to take feedback from all of our members about any ideas for the social side of the club!

It’s only the start of the season and our members are already on their way to increasing their knowledge and skills! We have already had 19 people complete their ARTC course and 9 people complete the Beach Management, and a bronze course up and running!
As always, it’s that time of the year – PROFICIENCIES!! Please organise yourselves to get your proficiencies done as soon as possible!
Wet Proficiencies – All patrol captains are hosting the Wet proficiencies at the start of patrols, everyone can find the sign in sheets in folders located in both IRB shed and the First Aid Room – these must be completed by Patrol Captains/Delegates/Assessors only.
Dry Proficiencies – Please register to the dry sessions via the Manly LSC website proficiencies page. They are running most Monday and Wednesday evening 7pm till 9pm. Don’t forget to ensure you have completed the online as this will ensure you will be in and out within the hour! If not done the session can take much longer – it’s in your best interest to complete the online sections. Please bring your masks to the session!
ARTC/Spinal Proficiencies – Also available to register online via the Manly LSC website proficiency page. They are scheduled for one Saturday a month for the next 3 months. Please be sure to check the website and sign up.
Crew/Driver Proficiencies – We are hoping to have some detailed sessions to sign up to in the next few weeks. Please keep an eye out on the Manly LSC proficiency page for session times.
As the season progresses we are hoping to host a number of courses, if any interest please register this via the website courses page. This way you will be added to the waitlists. Please note for the first half of the season priority is to proficiencies, most courses will be held from December onwards.
Once again huge thank you to our amazing trainers, who give up substantial amount of time to ensure that we all become proficient, so we can keep patrolling, competing and enjoying our SLS lives. If you are interested in joining one of the most vital, exciting and rewarding areas of the club we would love to welcome all newcomers! Please reach out to

See you on the beach!

Rhani Payne
Director of Education/ Events

Training has commenced and is going well. Consistency of training is the main element to focus on through to the start of the summer program. The gym has been relocated upstairs and is now operational with a new rubber gym floor in place.
The competition season is about to start this weekend coming with the Ocean 6 event at Queenscliff. For the nippers, the Bennett Board carnival at Dee Why sees the start of the local branch carnivals.
Graham Bruce
Deputy President Competition


The season kicked off on Sunday 14th October with the first day of nippers presenting its own challenges! It was a blustery cold morning with wild seas that prevented all the ocean swim proficiencies from taking place. Hopefully we will see better weather in the coming weeks.
The pre-season Spring Training Camp at Sawtell saw just over 100 nippers undertake 3 days of training. The weather was good (apart from the usual Sawtell ‘breeze’!) and the surf offered perfect training conditions up on the Coff’s Coast. It was great to see so many new families from the U9’s and U10’s join us this year in what was our 19th year of the camp, kindly hosted by Sawtell SLSC. Our coaching team headed up by Rachel, were fantastic and made sure it was a lot of fun. A large number of U17s attended this year: they completed their Bronze Medallion and helped with and water safety, which was great to see.
The weekend prior we had a contingent attend the Forster Carnival of Surf, again under sunny skies. Some of our nippers had outstanding performances and they contributed to Manly LSC’s results. The next carnival of the season is a local one with the Bennett Board Carnival at Dee Why Sunday Oct 21st.
Back in Manly, summer training schedules have started and we had about 60 new U6’s attend the Orientation day, despite the rain and cold. Sunday 14thsaw the first day of Nippers and it was fantastic to see sky blue caps and pink rashies in action all the way up the beach. It’s a busy time for the Age Managers and we welcome all our new helpers particularly in the younger age groups. A huge thank you goes out to all our volunteers who help run Nippers on a Sunday morning.
Another 10 nippers passed their SRC certificate from the U14s and these nippers will be able to contribute to patrolling our beach this season.
The key carnival dates have now been published in the calendar and the Nippers Handbook is available for the season – these documents can be found on the website under the Nippers tab. Most have now completed pool proficiency swims with just a few more outstanding.
We welcome a new sponsor to Manly Nippers this year – Dr Jonathan Negus, a nipper parent who is the orthopaedic surgeon at his business ‘Jointworks’ on the Northern Beaches. Jointworks will sponsor our Surf Education program that runs through to the end of the December. We are also grateful to our existing sponsors for their continued support. Our thanks as ever go to 7News, Harris Farm Markets, Black Swan, Airbnb, Bennett Boards and Zeus Street Greek.
Go Manly!
Tim Cuthbert
Chair, Manly Nippers




Aqua Home Loans: Manly

Hi Manly LSC, my name is Martyn and I own Aqua Home Loans your local Mortgage & Finance broker, and new club sponsor. I am really excited, and grateful to be on board with such a worthwhile local organisation. The beach is very close to my heart, and I see no better organisation to support. My aim is to provide you with market leading home loan rates from over 50 different lenders, and to give you a personal service to match. As an extra incentive Aqua Home Loans will donate an additional $200 to the club for every home loan that settles, so you will not only be getting an amazing new home loan, your will be benefiting the club at the same time. Please check out for all other services offered, or give me a call on 0478417425, or email me on I will be helping out some mornings at the sausage sizzle so please come over and say hi. I will be the tall guy with the Aqua Home Loans cap on.

Office Hours
Monday: 9:30am-2:30pm
Tuesday: 9am -12pm
Wednesday 9:30am-2:30pm
Thursday: 9am-3pm
Friday: 9am-3pm

For all Admin enquires, please direct them to Kelly or Virginia during the above office hours or by phone 02 99772742 or email

Please support our sponsors

We have a number of sponsors who recognise the great work we do in the community and provide us with crucial financial support to help us do our work.  In turn, we ask you to please support all our sponsors.  And tell them you are from Manly Surf Club.
If you have any friends with businesses big or small who might be interested contact for more information.

Follow MANLY LSC on Social Media
We would love to hear from you : please tag us, share your pictures or your stories @manlylsc, #teammanly or email us : 
Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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