2020/21 Season Membership

At the April board meeting the draft fee recommendations for the 2020/2021 season were approved. The fees will remain the same as last season, albeit with some concessions due to the current situation brought about by Covid 19.  See attached fees schedule but in summary-

  • Early bird membership for all categories has been extended beyond 31/7 until further notice.
  • Competition, locker and gym fees have been deferred until further notice.
  • Storage fees however are payable by the end of September to secure your spot.


Membership fees are our largest source of revenue and with the Club’s hall and bar closed, functions cancelled and merchandising sales drying up for the foreseeable future, the Club depends largely on membership fees to ensure we can pay our ongoing commitments and not erase the savings that guarantee our future building plans.

Please support the club by paying your membership and take advantage of the early bird rate starting from the 1st of May.

The Board appreciates that some members could be facing financial uncertainty and as always can apply to the club for fee relief on the grounds of financial hardship. All applications will be treated confidentially- Email to The President at admin@manlylsc.com

Click Here for the 2020/21 Season Fees

SLSA F076 Membership Form


To renew online, please click on the below link

2020/21 Membership Renewal

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