2019/20 Membership Now Open

Dear Members,

I’m sure members are aware that Northern Beaches Council plans to demolish and rebuild a new club for us all. All being well, the rebuild will commence late April 2021.

The brief to the architects is to design a world class space that incorporates better training and education facilities, better storage and significantly better member amenities. A world class space will also provide significant opportunities for increasing revenue with a functioning cafe, function facility, and hopefully a heritage museum incorporated with our merchandise area.Manly LSC will continue to lease the club from NBC and will continue to pay them rent.

Significantly we have two financial hurdles we must confront and start to budget for now.

1)- We will need to pay a proportion of the internal fit out – this amount is yet to be negotiated with council and we are unlikely to know preliminary figures until later this year when we see some designs.

2) – We will experience a major loss of revenue throughout the rebuild period as our current revenue earners being the cafe, hospitality and merchandise areas ( to some extent) will not be operating. Furthermore we will still have costs to bear such as admin costs, competition and coaching fees etc.

Over the last few years the board has been been prudent  in putting over $500K in savings aside for our building fund. We will need to ensure further savings for the rebuild, so subsequently the board believes we must build some minor adjustments into our our fee structure for 2019/20.

The proposed fee structure for 2019/20 was released in April and member feedback was sought . The board discussed the feedback and the fee structure was adapted.

Their will be no fee increases or changes to any of the membership categories.
The only increases will be to competition fees (increase by $100) and ski storage (increases by $50). These increases are intended to come a small way to recover some of the costs incurred by our athletes for carnival entry fees and costs, and our coaching costs.
Masters competition fees will increase by $50 to pay for carnival entries and costs
The JAC competition fees will increase to $100 to partially recover carnival and coaching costs.


The board will continue to monitor and manage its budgeting to ensure the necessary financial resources enabling a brand new club and great member amenity.


Fee structure attached – membership renewal 19-20

Please contact Kelly or myself if you seek further clarification at admin@manlylsc.com


Don’t forget to pay by early bird and pay less on your membership.



Chris Bell
President Manly LSC

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